Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Bloomberg Endorses Baal Child Sacrifice Temple by Ground Zero Mosque

The First Amendment of the United States Constitution states: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.”

New York City Michael Bloomberg is an ardent supporter of the Ground Zero Mosque. Last night Mayor Michael Bloomberg hosted a Ramadan dinner at Gracie Mansion. 100 guests attended the dinner which included salad, hummus, tomato soup, lamb kebab, sponge cake and ice cream.

At the Ramadan dinner, Mayor Michael Bloomberg delivered an impassioned speech on religious freedom. Mayor Bloomberg said, “There is nowhere in the five boroughs of New York City that is off limits to any religion. We in New York are Jews and Christians and Muslims and we always have been. (There were no Apaches at the dinner. Apaches aren’t really into hummus.) And above all of that, we are Americans, each with an equal right to worship and pray where we choose.”

Elin Nordegren recently told People Magazine, “I’ve been through Hell.” The Holy Bible was first written by Greek authors in Greek a hundred years after Jesus died and then edited for 200 years. They didn’t have computers, or cut and paste. Every time that the human Greek Bible Writers wrote the words “Gehenna” or “Sheol”, our modern Bible writers have substituted their own word “Hell.” Sheol was a place under ground where both evil and good spirits went together after death. Gehenna was a place outside Jerusalem where the people of the land of Canaan sacrificed their first born children to their God Baal for a thousand years before Christ to appease their God Baal. Sacrifice in America today means to miss an episode of “True Blood.”

Mayor Michael Bloomberg sounds like Sarah Palin who believes that the earth is 5700 years old and humans existed side by side with dinosaurs and herpesaurs because that is what her Bible tells her. Stephen Hawking just said that the only way for humans to avert extinction from nuclear religious wars and overpopulation is for humans to move into space. The nearest star being 50 light years away this plan seems difficult. Converting everyone back to Baal Worship and the sacrifice of their first born children on fire altars seems more doable and more cost effective to reduce the population.

On the Ground Zero Mosque at this year’s White House Ramadan dinner, President Obama said, “Muslims have the same right to practice their religion as everyone else in this country. And that includes the right to build a place of worship and a community center in Lower Manhattan. This is America and our commitment to religious freedom must be unshakable. The writ of the founders must endure.” At last year’s White House Ramadan dinner President Obama said, “Islam is a great religion and I praise Islam’s commitment to justice and progress.”

The reason that President Obama and Mayor Bloomberg can get away with telling the American people such out and out lies is because American children are not taught Koran studies. The Koran is the Holy Bible of Islam, not radical extremist Islam, but all of Islam. President Obama, the son of a Muslim father and educated in a Muslim school in Indonesia, the world’s largest Muslim country was taught the Koran from birth, as should every American child.

The Koran is not ambiguous, vague or unclear. The Koran states as clear as day, “Make War on, slay the Christians, Jews, and Infidels in return for eternal paradise, 72 virgins, 180,000 servants each, crystal clear water and wine with no side effects.” (Koran Sura 9:5, 29-30, 111, Sura 56, Hadith). It was the Koran of Islam which sent the 19 hijackers on 9/11 to knock down the world trade center at ground zero, where part of the landing gear landed on the ground zero mosque. These are the words which will be taught on ground zero every day at the Ground Zero Mosque.

The universe is 15 billion years old. Our home planet Earth is 5 billion years old. Judaism is a recent cult invented by Abraham 4,000 years ago. Christianity was invented by the Jewish born Rabbi and Messiah of Christianity and Islam, Yeshua aka Joshua aka Jesus Christ, 2000 years ago. The prophet Muhammad was illiterate. These words in the Koran inciting 1.5 billion Muslims to incinerate America were written by desert dwellers 50 years after Muhammad died, 1,400 years ago, 1,600 years after the invention of Baal Worship.

According to President Obama and Mayor Michael Bloomberg, “There is nowhere in the five boroughs of New York City that is off limits to any religion. And above all of that, we are Americans, each with an equal right to worship and pray where we choose.”

Jesus Christ had a solution for the Ground Zero Mosque and the now fully operational Iranian nuclear power plant in Bushehr, Iran. Jesus Christ said that when he returned, he would command his angels to throw every Muslim man, woman and child into the fire and burn them alive like the children of Gehenna sacrificed to the God Baal. (Matt. 13:24-43). The Jewish Bible is also filled with countless commands to slaughter all non believers.

We will start on the road to world peace only when every Church, Synagogue and Mosque takes down their sign and replaces it with the sign The Temple of Love – The World Peace Religion which makes peace among and unites all Christians, Muslims and Jews and Everyone else and the countries they all live in by tying them together with their common threads and resolving all their differences once and for all.